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30 mars 2020

CE & CO - Major Frank Prentice



We are finishing (nous sommes en train de finir – Présent Progressif!) this strange online unit on the Titanic.


Before you start working (travailler) on the Tâche Finale, let's do a bit of research!

 QR code1

Ex1: Associe la date ou l'heure à la bonne étape du voyage du Titanic.

Utilise ce site :


Here is the Quizinière link:



10th April 1912 at 12:00 (noon)

The iceberg hit the ship on its side (côté)

10th April 1912 at 6:30pm

The Titanic sank.

11th April 1912 at 11:30am

The Titanic snapped into two parts.

Between the 12th and 13th April 1912

The Titanic received 7 iceberg warnings.

14th April 1912

The first lifeboat is lowered (baissé) into the water.

14th April at 11:40pm

The Carpathia arrived in New York with 705 survivors.

37 seconds later

The Titanic arrived in Cherbourg, France. More passengers came aboard.

At 12:45am, on the 15th of April

The Carpathia (another (un autre) ship) picked up the first survivors.

15th April 1912 at 2:18am

The Titanic left Southampton. Passengers came aboard.

At 2:20am

Lookout (vigie) Frederick Fleet saw an iceberg straight ahead.

On April 15th, at 4:10am

The Titanic sailed on course on a calm ocean. People went to barbershops, ate in restaurants, danced. They had fun!

At 8:30am, on April 15th

The Titanic arrived in Queenstown, Ireland. More passengers came aboard.

18th April 1912

The Carpathia found the last survivors.



Ex2: Ecoute l'enregistrement et répond aux questions

Listen to this wonderful man : code2

(Jusqu'à 1:03min)



Here is the Quizinière link :


1. Quel est le type du document?

□ interview



2. De quoi parle le document?

De la vie sur le Titanic

Du naufrage du Titanic

De la découverte du Titanic


3. Quel est le nom complet de la personne interviewée et son grade?


4. Où était-il quand l'iceberg est entré en collision avec le Titanic?


5. Comment a-t-il su qu'il y avait un problème? Quel a été le premier signe?


6. Quels adjectifs donne-t-il pour décrire la situation après l'impact? (deux adjectifs)

□ chaotic


□ sad


 QR code3

Ex3: Lis la suite de l'interview et répond aux questions

Let's read more of the interview!


Here is the Quizinière link :




Interviewer : Well now, how did you get off* yourself?

Major Prentice: Well I jumped off the stern* just before she sank.

Interviewer : So you went right up to the stern, here?

Major Prentice: It was quiet up there.

Interviewer : Presumably, the stern was a long way out of the water by then?

Major Prentice: Well, she was almost vertical when I left her. I was lying... I was hanging* on to the board* that says “keep clear of propeller* blades”, but at the very end I was lying on it, and then I let go and I just missed* the propellers on the way down.

Interviewer : How big was the drop?

        Major Prentice: I don't know well over a 100 feet.

Interviewer : Your watch kept going after you hit the water which presumably was freezing.

Major Prentice: Yes, absolutely full of ice and bits of ice and iceberg all around us.

Interviewer : Eventually you managed to get into a lifeboat.

Major Prentice: Yes


*get off = descendre                                                                        board = pancarte (dans ce contexte)

stern = arrière du bâteau                                                                  propellers = hélices

hang = s'accrocher (dans ce contexte)                                               miss = éviter (dans ce contexte)


 1. A qui Major Frank Prentice fait-il référence lorsqu'il parle de “she” et “her”?



2. D'où Major Frank Prentice a-t-il sauté du Titanic?



  1. Dans quelle position était le Titanic lorsqu'il a réussi à descendre du bâteau?




4. A quoi s'était-il accroché pour ne pas tomber?



5. Lorsqu'il a sauté, qu'a-t-il évité?

Un iceberg

Les hélices

Un débris du Titanic


6. De quelle hauteur a t-il sauté?



7. Comment était l'eau autour de lui?



8. Comment a-t-il était sauvé?





And I'm going to stop here or you'll hate me... I'm so sorry. It's so very long!!


Have fun!


Watch a movie in English!


Miss Léon

VENDREDI - 15h/16h
